Routing Number: 292077511

(Please note: Intrepid Credit Union has specific wiring instructions that must be used to initiate an incoming wire funds transfer.)

Wiring Instructions

Wire to:

Millennium Corporate Credit Union
Routing Number: 301180111

For Credit to:

Intrepid Credit Union
Routing Number: 292077511 

For Final Credit to:

Member’s Name
Member’s Account Number
[Please include the type of account that the funds should be deposit to, i.e., 0000/Savings, 0050/Share Drafts]

  • Incoming wires are first sent to Millennium Corporate Credit Union. This is Intrepid Credit Union’s Corporate Credit Union and the Receiving Institution for the wire (Intermediary Bank).
  • Intrepid Credit Union will be listed as the Secondary Institution of Deposit (Beneficiary Financial Institution).
  • The Final Beneficiary is our member who is receiving the wire.
  • Some institutions are not set up to send wires through an intermediary bank. Instead, Intrepid Credit Union will be listed as the beneficiary and our routing number will be used as the beneficiary account number. The wire will then need to include notes stating “FBO” or “For further credited to” Member name and account number.


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